Top 5 Programming Languages To Learn in 2019 With Pay Ranges

You are keen to read this article and watch the video because you have an interest in learning a programming language, I guessed right! Either to switch your career or to add extra skills to help you solve a problem or maybe to start a business with the skills you’d gain from learning programming languages.

Watch the Video for full details here.

Whatever is your reason, you have come to the right place. In this video, I have explained in details my choice of programming languages to learn from number 5 to 1.

The salary ranges for each programming language discussed in the video is based on a Canadian survey of various pay ranges for different skill levels. Pay ranges were obtained from Neuvoo website.

Recommended Courses For Each Programming Language

PHP for Beginners – Become a PHP Master – CMS Project

JAVA for Android Apps:
1. Android Development with Java
2. Java Masterclass: Become an Android Developer
3. Android App development Masterclass using Kotlin

SWIFT:iOS Mobile App Development With Swift

JAVASCRIPT: is your best bet for Javascript with lots of real-world projects and it is free.

1. The Python Bible | Everything You Need To Program In Python 
2. The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Application
3. Solve 100 Python Exercises (This will help solidify your knowledge of python)
4. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
5. Projects in Python for Intermediate Students mostly for Web development

Machine Learning A to Z using Python and R

See software used for this video: Doodly

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Joyce Chidiadi

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