Why they think you are “Half-Baked”, when you are “Overcooked”

Why they think you are “Half-baked” even when you are “Over-cooked”

“They are half-baked”

“What do they even learn in school?”

“It was not like this in our days when everything was cut and dry”

These are very familiar comments made about students and graduates from Nigerian colleges and universities.

The use of text messages and social media is changing the way people write especially among the youths. Many short words are now shortened to the point of no recognition. Many long words have been butchered badly as well during text and social media messaging. Some messages lose their meanings because of how badly the words were typed. I have found myself asking some people to resend their message with words I can understand. Some of the new words are very distracting. You can mistakenly use these shortcut words in important messages like reports, cover letters, resume. This will definitely cause the recipient to question your level and quality of education. You know how to spell these words correctly. Even your phone has auto-correct. Do you intentionally ignore the autocorrect or you turned it off? I’m not the custodian of the English Language oo but forming bad habits in your leisure time when texting with friends may also find it’s way into when you are writing important messages. Be careful with your messaging. You could be replying to an important client or someone that would need your expertise in the future. Wrong signals. That’s what your unnecessary abbreviations are sending.

Welcome to the New English Abbreviation Club (EACB) where people keep trimming off letters from words like so:

Ok is Kk

Thank you is Tnk yu or tank u.

There’s is Deres

Was is Wtz

Then is Den

They is Dey (Unless this is in Nigerian Pidgin English Context)

This is Dix

School is Skul

That is Dat

That’s is Datx

Things is tinx or tnz

Really is Rili

Its is itx

Something is sumtin

Comes is cums

Time is tyme (What time did you save here?)

Like is Lyk

Tonight is Tonit

But is Buh

Number is nba (Is this Igbo or English?)

Does/Those is Doz

Fine is fyne or fyn

Now after shortening these short words, what will you do with the time you saved by shortening the short words. Now, I’m just being a savage. HAHAHAHA. 

Abeg. Try to type what people will understand now. Just because it makes meaning in your head does not mean others will understand you. People in your club will understand. Other non-NEAC (New English Abbreviation Club) members may not understand. The recruiting manager, your boss or your lecturer may not be in your club and so will fling your document away or send it to the waiting recycle bin in their devices. This action just boxes everyone into the half-baked space.

You are well-cooked. Stop acting like you were half-baked.


This post is just based on my opinion and written in a lighter mood.

You can reach me by email: livewirenig@gmail.com or use the contact form in this blog. One love

Joyce Chidiadi

Joyce Chidiadi is the administrator of this website. She writes and manages the content of this page. Thank you for reading. We will be pleased to have you here always.

2 thoughts on “Why they think you are “Half-Baked”, when you are “Overcooked”

  • September 2, 2018 at 9:21 pm

    Great article. This is important habits of some Nigerians that is very unreasonable. Sometimes, it is argued that it saves time but really? I think it steals time and the meaning of the message. When I see most these abbreviated messages, it devalues the message instantly and gives me the impression that the sender cannot portion a little time to write me a text honourably.

    • September 3, 2018 at 4:00 pm

      Thanks, Amaka for visiting our blog. I totally agree with your point about the sender not giving a little time to write a text. It’s just so distracting.


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